What is EVP?
EVP stands for "Electronic Voice Phenomena". Basically, EVP's occur when voices or other noises are captured on any type of recording media (i.e. tape or digital recorders, video cameras, etc.) that were not heard at the time of recording. Only upon review are the EVP's audible. However, there are times during investigations when another type of voice phenomena can occur. This is what we call "audible voice phenomena", which is when one or more people actually hear a disembodied voice at the time it happens. Quite often when this is heard, our recordings will pick up on and record the voice as well. TCPS feels it should be noted that all of our EVP evidence on this page is open to interpretation as each individual listener may hear something different than what is suggested.
How TCPS Captures EVP's
During an investigation, our members use a voice recorder and ask a series of questions. These questions are each followed by a period of silence lasting 20-30 seconds. The reason for the gap of silence is because it is thought that spirits need to gain energy in order to be heard. Sometimes when we review an EVP session, we can hear a voice answer the question(s) or hear a noise that was not heard by any investigators at the time of the recording.
To listen to our EVP's, please right click on the link provided and choose "Save As" (or "Save Target As", depending on your browser). This will save the audio clip to your computer and allow for better quality. Also be sure to turn up the volume on your speakers or headphones.
September 2018
“Peek” The Lexington - St. Paul, MN
This EVP was captured on the upper level near the hallway leading to the office. The presence of a young girl spirit has been reported in this area and has been noted as being playful. In this audio, the investigators are asking the little girl if she can peek out of the office, as employees have often seen this occurrence in the past.
“In This House” The Lexington - St. Paul, MN
This EVP was captured on the main level near the stairway (in the Williamsburg Room). The evp session was being conducted around the fireplace area, nearly 15 feet away. No investigators were near the recording device when this audio was captured. Before The Lexington became a restaurant, several families resided in apartments on the upper level of the building.
May 2018
“Footsteps” Waverly Sanatorium - Louisville, KY
This was caught on the 3rd floor. The footsteps continued for a few minutes and no one else was on that floor with the team.
“Music at Waverly” Waverly Sanatorium - Louisville, KY
This audio was captured in one of the stairwells while the group was in between evp sessions. There was no audible music noted by investigators at the time. Over the history of Waverly Hills, many gatherings were held in the cafeteria area that included live music to help lift the spirits of the patients confined there.
Palmer House - Sauk Centre, MN
"Come back"
The Soap Factory - Minneapolis, MN
"Get out of here"
"Get out"
"Go home"
Woman crying
"Run": This was captured during the second round of the investigation in the basement. Shortly after the round started one of the investigators had to go upstairs to get new batteries for a recorder. There was a female investigator in the basement when this was captured. We are not sure what it is saying. There seems to be several words with "run" being one of them. Filtered Version
Digital Noise: This was captured during the third round in the son's bedroom. The two investigators heard what sounded like a squeaking/whistling sound for about 3 seconds coming from the closet area. When they went back to review the audio on the recorder, this digital malfunction was captured. Also of interesting note, the hand held video camera had the same digital malfunction during that same time frame.
"Get...away": This was captured shortly after the squeaking/whistling sound. When the investigators heard the squeaking sound, one of them checked the closet for any possible reason why that noise was made. The investigator couldn't find anything in the closet that could make that noise but while he was checking this EVP was captured. Filtered Version
Belt: This was captured during the third round of the investigation. A investigator and the Daughter both heard this when it happened. The only thing they could find that would make that noise were some belts hanging off the dresser.
"Hello": This was captured during the first round in the basement. You hear the daughter ask "are you attached to the house" and at the 16 second mark you can hear a "hello" or "no". Filtered Version
Knock: This was captured during the first round in the basement. This was heard by the upstairs team and the basement team. They could not find the cause for the knocking.
Laugh: This was captured during the second round in the daughter's bedroom. You will hear her tag her 'burp' and you can hear a short giggle, as if something found what she had just done funny.
"Mom": This was captured in the daughters room during the first round. You will hear the investigator telling the mother (who joined us for the investigation) on how to "tag" a noise for the recorder. You can hear a little girl say "mom" during the conversation. Interesting to note that a little girl's giggle was caught in the daughters room as well with different investigators.
Bang: The was captured during the first round. Both teams, basement and top foor, were hearing banging sounds but couldn't find the source. This is what they were hearing.
"Hey....leave": This was captured at the beginning of the investigation. The two investigators and client were in the master bedroom. There is a cat that walks into the room and you can hear the client talking about it. What we hear is the client talking and then a "hey"....client talking some more, then "leave".
"Get me down": Two investigators and the client were up in the hayloft of the barn. We are walking around and this voice comes through. We believe it is saying "get me down". The interesting thing about this clip was that it happened at the exact same time as the experience being described. The third investigator was just about to climb the ladder when he saw a shadow shoot from one side of the walkway to the door. He went outside to see if he could continue to see it but was unable to find any source for the shadow. Filtered Version
"You Okay": Two investigators and the client are in the living room and a third investigator is in the dining room. You can hear an ivestigator ask "is there something you want to tell the family", it sounds like a response "you ok". Filtered Version
"No": This was during the third round of the investigation. All 5 investigators were in the hay loft of the barn. You will hear one of the investigators ask a question and a faint “no” is the direct answer.
Unknown whisper: This was during the third round of the investigation. All 5 investigators were in the hay loft of the barn. Two investigators thought they saw a shadow coming up the ladder. They both commented on it and you will hear one of the investigators ask a question. Right after you hear him say “it’s okay”, you will hear a whisper. We are not sure what it is saying.
Footsteps 1: This was during the third round of the investigation. All 5 investigators were on the main floor of the barn (one went outside later). Four different times all the investigators heard footsteps walking in the hay loft above them. What is interesting is this is one of the claims by the client. He will occasionally hear footsteps above him when he is working in the barn. The first 3 “footstep” clips are faint. The recorder was sitting on the opposite end of the barn of where they were heard. The 4th “footstep” was caught on the other end of the first 3. It is louder than the previous 3. What is interesting is the footsteps started on one end of the hay loft and went all the way across. You can hear the noise difference of the footsteps getting closer. There was a IR camera in the hay loft and it was confirmed that there were no animals making the noise. We also had an investigator go outside and he could not find anything making the noise.
Footsteps 2: See above description
Footsteps 3: See above description
Footsteps 4: See above description
"I need help": This was captured in the master bedroom during the first round. You will hear the investigator ask “are you in need of help” and a few seconds later you can hear a very faint female say “I need….help”
"I need help" (Male): This was captured shortly after the first “I need help” evp. It was captured in the master bedroom during the first round. Right after you hear the investigator say “camera” you can hear a male voice say “I need help”.
Unknown: This was captured in the basement during the second round. No questions had been asked, then you hear a breath or exhale. One of the investigators heard this and asked immediately if it was the other investigator. It was not, and the other investigator did not hear it.
Unknown Whisper: This was captured in the daughter's bedroom at the beginning of the investigation. One of the investigators was saying she was going to sit on the floor. You can hear a whisper and it almost sounds like “creepy doll”. We had commented about not sitting next to a doll that we thought was creepy looking a little bit before that. Filtered Version
"We don't want her coming in this way": The was captured in the daughter's bedroom at the beginning of the investigation. One of the investigators was saying she didn’t want to be in the cameras way or anyone’s else’s way of the hall way. You can hear a voice say “we don’t want her coming in this way”. This was not heard at the time.
"Yes": This was captured in the daughter's bedroom during the first round of the investigation. The investigator was asking if (who ever) knew the servants names that used to live there. You can hear a faint “yes” right before the investigator begins speaking.
"Yes" (Basement): This was captured in the basement during the second round of the investigation. You can hear the investigator asking a question. Right after he says “any of those names” you can hear a “yes”. This was heard at the time by one of the investigators. Filtered Version
Bump/Knock sound: This sound happened during the third round. The investigator was sitting on the middle of the stairs with this back to the wall. He was looking down the stairs when something caught his eye at the top. When he turned, he saw a shadow shaped like a person “peeking” around the corner. When the shadow shot back down towards the bathroom, he heard a sound. He described it as the bathroom cabinet doors being rattled. This was the sound that was captured.
Footsteps: This was captured during the second round of the investigation. All three team members were in the upstairs loft. All three heard the sound but one of the investigators heard them coming from the kitchen. She said that they sounded like footsteps.
Knocking sound: This was captured during the third round of the investigation. The investigator asking the question was sitting on the bed in the bedroom and the other investigator was standing in the doorway. The investigator was saying if anything was there, then it could use their energy to make a noise. A few seconds later a knock came from the living room.
Voice: This was captured during the first round of the investigation. All three investigators were sitting in the living room. You can hear the investigator ask a question if they had any connection to the place across the street. You then can hear a voice that was not heard at the time. We are not entirely sure what it is saying. Filtered Version
Voice 2: This was captured during the second round of the investigation. All three investigators were up in the loft a few seconds before. One of the investigators wanted to go out into the hallway to see if you could hear people walking down the hall (possible debunk). As the investigator reached the bottom of the stairs and was crossing the living room he heard a female voice say something. He thought it was one of the other investigators saying something to him. He stopped and asked “what” to the female investigator because he could not understand what was said. It was not her or the other investigator up stairs. This was heard in the room. It was captured by a DVR sitting on the desk in the loft. We are not sure what it is saying but goes with the client's claim of a female saying his name in the exact area. Filtered Version
"Once": The two investigators were about to start the investigation. They were deciding where they were going to sit. You can hear the male investigator say “well, if you want to sit in there you can. I mean” and then you can hear a whisper say “once”.
"Hey": This comes shortly after the start of the investigation. The two investigators were getting base line EMF readings. As they are talking you can hear a long “heeeeey”. This is not the only time they captured a “hey”.
Woman's Voice: This is during the first round. The investigators were doing an evp session. You can hear a very faint female voice. There were only two investigators on location and they were both sitting next to the recorder.
"Yes": This was during the first round. The two investigators were doing some more EMF readings. You will hear the investigator say “ we are getting a lot of wacky emf’s”, and then you can hear a whisper “yes”. This is not the other investigator and it was caught on three different recorders.
Weird Noise: This is a very weird sound. It is hard to say if it is a voice or a sound. Right after the investigator says “do you want to walk around” you will hear the strange noise. This was not heard by the investigators at the time.
Squeal: This was towards the middle of the second round. The investigators heard a car pull up to the front of the business. They were commenting on the guy that got out of the car (he was changing his clothes) and this “Squeal” was captured. It was captured on three different recorders and the investigators did not hear it at the time.
"Help me": This was captured during the team's 10 minutes of silence. The recorder was sitting in the adjacent room from the investigators. You can hear a very faint whisper. It sounds like a drawn out “help me”. Filtered Version
Two bumps: The recorder was sitting in the adjacent room from the investigators. You can hear a knock or bump. The investigators didn’t respond to this at first. They heard another bump that was not caught on audio. They were moving to investigate the sounds when anther bump is caught. The second (audible) bump sounds like the recorder itself was hit.
"Hey" 2: This was captured during the third round. You can hear a “hey” and two knocking sounds. The investigators were in the same room and did not hear this at the time.
Footsteps on stairs: The two investigators were in the upstairs bedroom. One of the investigators was standing about 10 feet from where this sound came from. The investigator asks “did you used to live in this house”, and you can hear footsteps coming up the stairs. This is one of the client's claims of activity. We were fortunate to catch this and there was no explanation for the footsteps.
Unknown Male Voice: This was captured from the basement by the boiler room hallway. There were three investigators. You can hear two of the investigators talking ahead of the last investigator. He is carrying the DVR. At the 10 second mark you will hear a airy voice. We can not tell for sure what it is saying but the first word sounds like "Eric", and Eric is the name of the investigator carrying the DVR.
Female Voice: This was captured from the basement by the bridge under the elevator shaft. This was a DVR next to one of our IR cameras. The group was taking a break up on the first floor. There was no one downstairs at this time. You can hear a woman say "hey you".
Unknown Voice: This was captured from the basement by the bridge under the elevator shaft. This was a DVR next to one of our IR cameras. The group was in the boiler hallway (25ft away) when this out of place voice was captured. You can hear a loud whisper say "talk" or something like that. The voice is heard over the investigator talking.
Laugh: This was captured from the 3rd floor. The two investigators did not hear/tag this at the time. It sounds like a woman laugh or yell. This is interesting because we have caught a women’s yell from this floor before on previous investigations.
Voice: This was captured from the 3rd floor. The investigators were sitting not asking any questions at the time. This is the filtered version. It sounds like "come back, again". This was not heard at the time.
"No, I'm not": This one is very interesting to us. A little back story to set this up. The previous investigation round had a male and female investigator. During the last part of the round the male and female investigator saw (what was described) as a male shadow. This shadow rushed the female investigator. This startled the investigator so much she didn't feel she could return to the basement the rest of the night. At the start of the next round the three investigators went to the same spot that the previous team had their experience. They are asking questions as to why it would want to scare someone like that. You hear a investigator ask "are you trying to scare her" and you hear the response, "no, I'm not". This is a class A evp and a direct response to a question.
Boiler Room Bang: This is from the boiler room. The two investigators hear two loud bangs and react immediately to it. They call on the radio to see if any other teams in the building heard it, and one team did. They could not find any reason for the sound. We have caught several evps and sounds in this area over our investigations at the Soap Factory and find it to be one of the most active spots.
Breath Sound: This is from the boiler room. The two investigators heard a "breath" sound and react to it immediately. You can hear the female investigator imitate what she just heard and the they hear the breath sound again. Soon after, the Boiler Room Bang was experienced by the same two investigators.
Boiler Room Whisper: An investigator said she was drawn to that room at that time. The interesting thing about this EVP is the same investigator heard this as a disembodied voice about 30 seconds later. We are unable to make out what it is saying. Filtered Version
Bark 1: This is from the back room (haunted house exit from building). Three investigators were in this area and talking at the time. You can hear what sounds like 3 dog barks coming from in the room. They did not hear this at the time.
Bark 2: This is from the same area as the last ‘dog bark’. Again, it sounds like a dog bark and it was not heard at the time.
"Hello": This was captured in the “piano” room. You can hear a loud whisper say “hello”. This was not heard at the time.
Basement Unknown Yell: This was captured in the “mattress” room or “clock” room near the concrete stairs in the basement. One of the two investigators left her DVR sitting in the room and the two of them stepped out for a few seconds to check out another room. About 30 seconds after they left you can hear a man yell something. We are not sure what he is saying but this was not heard at the time. What’s also interesting about EVPs we get at the Soap Factory is the loud bangs we get with voices, as you can hear from this one. Note: the voices you hear towards the end of the clip are the two female investigators. Filtered Version
Unknown Voice: This EVP is from the 2nd floor of the house. We are standing below the attic opening and one of the investigators is asking the client if he has ever been up there. You will hear the client say " I've been up there and.....(unknown voice).....I've done wiring up there". To some of us it sounds like the unknown voice says “can’t see”. Filtered Version
"No": The recording is from the garage. There was a claim that an item in the garage had hit the client in the head. The investigators put an empty pop can on the edge of the bench to see if something would knock it off. You hear the investigator say “if you knock that pop can off, we'll leave you alone" and there is a response "no". This was not heard at the time. Filtered Version
Whistle: This was captured in the basement. The three investigators were in the “snow man” room. You can hear someone whistling. None of the investigators heard this at the time and no one tagged it as being them. Also, TCPS has caught whistling before from this location.
"Five": This was captured in the Dining room. There is a report that a little boy is still at the hotel. The evp questions were directed at any children that may still be at the Palmer. You can hear the investigator ask “how old are you”, and you can hear the response “5”.
"Yes": This was captured in the Dining room. The questions were directed at any children that may still be at the Palmer. You can hear the investigator ask “do you like to sing”, and you can hear a faint “yes”.
Noise: This was captured in the Dining room. The three investigators were sitting on a couch near the front entrance. The recorder is sitting in the Dining room. They heard what sounded like someone sitting on a chair. They were unable to find any cause for this and they tested what the sound would be like if someone sat in the chair, and it was identical. This is the sound that was captured.
"Go": This was captured in the Kitchen. One of the three investigators was feeling like she was being followed by an unpleasant energy. One of the investigators was telling the “energy” that it needed to either leave her alone or just leave. You can hear what sounds like either “Go” or “No”.
"Yeah": This was captured in the Kitchen. After the investigators felt a negative energy leave the kitchen they tried to invite the “kids” back to them. You can hear the investigator ask if they (the kids) wanted to get away from the man up front. You can hear a “yes” or “yeah” response.
"No": This was captured in Room 11. You can hear the investigator ask to drop the temperature down to 62 and he gets a response, “no”.
"Help Me" #1: Captured in the boy's bedroom upstairs, this EVP was caught when the team was doing baseline readings upon first entering the room for the investigation round. You will hear a voice clearly say "help me". Filtered Version
"Help me" #2: This EVP was caught while investigating the shop. There is a voice that says "help me". It was recorded on the voice recorder a few moments after one of our members saw a shadow in the room. Filtered Version
Child's Voice: A class C EVP caught in the bathroom upstairs by one of our recorders. You will hear a faint voice of a child on the recording. We can not make out what is being said. Filtered Version
"We Love": Another EVP that was caught upstairs. The recorder for this was set at the top of the stairs on the landing. You will hear another child's voice saying what seems to be "we love". Filtered Version
“You guuuys….Hiii!”: This recording was captured on the voice recorder we had with one of our night vision cameras in the basement. The camera was positioned at the entrance to the Boiler Room. This voice happened almost a half hour after we began recording and the first group to the basement had just arrived down there at the time. You will hear what sounds like a young kid’s voice saying, in a sing-song type voice: “You guuuys….Hiiii”. Filtered Version
Loud banging noises: Again these sounds were caught on the digital voice recorder we had stationed with the Boiler Room Camera. You will hear a metal scraping sound and a loud bang in the beginning, and towards the end another loud bang. As you can tell by the background voices, all of our team was upstairs at the time this happened. We do not know what may have caused the banging sounds.
Voices crying out: This recording is one of the most interesting, albeit disturbing, EVPs we’ve ever caught. It again was captured on the recorder in the Boiler Room. There was a team of investigators in the basement at the time, but this EVP was caught during the 10 minutes of silence. You will hear what sounds like a young kid or woman crying out for help. Filtered Version
Whistle: The whistling sound you hear on this recording was caught in the Boiler Room. As you can hear, the investigators in the room at the time actually heard the whistle and were not able to figure out where the noise came from. Filtered Version
“Here we are”: This EVP was caught on a digital voice recorder that was with another night vision camera that was set up in the Boiler Room Hallway in the Basement. As with the very first listed EVP from this investigation, the group had just come down to the basement to begin the night’s investigation. Filtered Version
Telephone ring: This ringing sound was again captured on the recorder that was stationed in the Boiler Room Hallway. The ringing sounds like an older style telephone, even though there is not one of those on the property. We also went back and asked every member who was at the investigation if perhaps a cell phone that could have been there at the time had a ring tone that sounded similar to the ringing sound on the recording. No one’s cell phone had a ring like that so we are unsure where the noise came from. Filtered Version
“Can you tell?”: The EVP caught on this recording was caught from the Boiler Room Hallway recorder. Two investigators were near by the camera. You will hear one of them ask “Are you depressed about other things besides being homeless?” because the other team member, who is a sensitive, was picking up that there was a woman down there that was sad because she was homeless and felt there was more to the story. Right after the question is asked you can hear a muffled “Can you tell?” voice, which is not the voice of either the investigators. Straight after that, the other team member says “wow, that’s messed up” because she received the impression that the woman was not only homeless, but also had lost her husband and son in a war. TCPS typically does not use any information that our sensitives pick up during an investigation unless it has some type of evidence to back up the psychic impressions. We feel this EVP does correlate with what the sensitive was feeling at the time of the recording. Filtered Version
Voice: This voice was caught on the Boiler Room Hallway recorder. The voice sounds like someone saying “Ohhh”. No questions were being asked at the time of the recording. Filtered Version
“I’m sorry”: The team investigating the basement had gathered in the Boiler Room Hallway and were talking when this voice was recorded. You will hear one member state the place was pissing him off, as he was referring to being frustrated that it would feel like something was there or was happening and then it would just stop. Over top of him talking, you will hear a voice say “I’m sorry”. Filtered Version
“Get out!”: This recording was captured during the very last round. The whole team had investigated in the basement as we felt that was the most active floor. You will hear some members talking in the background and out of nowhere is a loud, almost angry voice saying “Get out!” Filtered Version
“Get out of here!”: Same incident as the above EVP description. This voice seems to say a very fast “get out of here!” Filtered Version
“Line up”: This was caught while one of our groups were investigating the Basement. You will hear a faint voice say “line up” right before one member says “camera”, as to indicate he was turning on his camera. Filtered Version
“Go home”: This EVP was caught while investigating the room across from the Boiler Room in the Basement. You will hear an investigator talking and then a faint voice saying “go home” right before the sound of someone clicking on their flashlight. Filtered Version
"No": This recording is from the same as the one above. You will hear one member ask if any spirit there wanted our help. Immediately after the question you can hear a faint “no” on the voice recorder. Filtered Version
“Go home” 2: The EVP here was again caught in the same room as the previous listed recordings. We were all talking right before heading out to go back upstairs when you can hear a voice say “go home”. Clearly we weren’t wanted in the building quite a few times that night. Filtered Version
“Hello Sweetheart”: This EVP was captured from a recorder we had sitting next to one of our cameras in the Lobby area of the Main Floor. To some of our members the loud whisper also sounds as though it could be saying “Oh Sweetheart”. Filtered Version
Sound: This was recorded by one of our DVRs that was next to another camera in the Lobby. The clip sounds like a chair being dragged back on a wooden floor. It’s a very short sound, about 3-4 seconds into the recording, but it was audibly heard by one of the groups investigating the Main Floor at the time. The team could not find a source for the noise.
“Daddy’s home”: Captured by a different recorder next to another one of our video cameras, the voice in this EVP sounds as though it is from an excited little boy. Filtered Version
Dragging noises: This is a long clip, and the dragging noises that were heard from the Basement are in the beginning of the clip. The sound is quite obvious and as you’ll hear from the clip, no one was in that area on the Main Floor when the noises were heard.
“Fake”: This EVP was captured when a group was on the Third Floor, heading back into Room 17 from across the hall in Room 22. The loud whisper caught here is not that of either investigator present at the time.
“It’s on it”: Captured while investigating the Basement of the Palmer House, this EVP is again of a whisper voice. The group at the time was doing baseline readings when the EVP was caught. Filtered Version
“Witch”: The EVP listed here was also from Room 17. No questions were being asked from the investigators at the time. Filtered Version
"That's so wrong": Captured, as most were from this investigation, in the Master Bedroom the EVP presented here has almost a sing-songy quality to it. In the beginning of the clip, the whispering you will hear is one of the homeowners. "That's so wrong" can be heard towards the end of the clip. Filtered Version
"Ahoy there": This clip is also from our recordings in the Master Bedroom. The voice is quite loud as though it was close to the mic and is not the voice of any of the males present at the time it was captured. A few of our members hear "a boy there" as well, but either way the sounds are similar. Filtered Version
"Thank you": The last EVP from the owner's room sounds quite different from the other two. This EVP voice sounds much deeper than the others, but at least they were being polite. Filtered Version
"Please get up": This EVP is from one of the children's rooms. Interestingly enough, the team had just stated out loud that they were about to leave the room for that round of the investigation. Filtered Version
"We're watching her": As you will hear from the clip, this EVP was captured from the Main Floor of the home. This particular team had just turned on one of their recorders to begin the round and had not even gotten settled yet. Filtered Version
"Bradley": The EVP here was captured while the team was investigating the basement. One of the sensitives on the team was picking up the name "Bradley" as a spirit who was in the hallway at the time. You will hear her state this and shortly after, a whisper saying the name was caught on a voice recorder. Filtered Version
"Exactly": This clip is from the team's time spent investigating the Main Floor of the house for this case. You will hear one investigator state she heard a voice and a few moments later, a loud whisper is captured. To us the voice sounds like it is saying "exactly", perhaps in response to the investigator stating she was hearing voices. Filtered Version
"I guess": This EVP was captured in the stepdaughter’s room. On this recording you will hear one of the investigators talking about how any spirits there could use the EMF meter and light it up as a way of responding to questions that were asked. Right after the TCPS member is done talking, a response is heard on the recording saying “I guess”. Filtered Version
"He hurt me": This EVP was caught on the Third Floor. In the beginning of the clip you will hear one of our members doing what we call provoking, by saying to any of the spirits who might have been there "stop being chicken...do something". Although this technique is not something that TCPS does very often, sometimes it can be useful if there is not much activity going on. In this instance, it sounds as though it worked to some degree. Immediately after our member provokes, a female sounding voice is heard in the background saying "he hurt me". Filtered Version
Banging sound: This noise is one of several odd sounds captured by a team investigating the poker room. You will hear one of our members state she doesn't feel anything in the room and soon after a banging sound can be heard. No one in the room reacts to the noise, states that the noise was something, and no one remembers hearing this sound at all at the time of the recording.
Clapping: This again was captured in the poker room. A clapping sound is heard once, followed by one of the team members asking a spirit to tell the group their name. This question is immediately followed by two other clapping sounds. None of the members heard this noise at the time of the recording, nor do they recall making any type of clapping sound throughout their time in the poker room. Filtered Version
"Hey": This EVP was caught while the investigators first arrived to the second floor to investigate. A male voice was captured saying "hey" as though welcoming them. Filtered Version
"Will": The EVP listed here was also caught on the second floor. In the clip, you will hear our members talking and in-between the dialogue a voice in the background can be heard, almost shouting "Will!” Interestingly enough, one of our member's names is Will, but he was investigating the basement at the time this EVP was captured. No one from any of our teams shouted Will's name at any time during the investigation. Filtered Version
"Help": Again caught while investigating the second floor, this EVP is a loud whisper saying "help!" During this investigation round, one of our sensitives was hearing a spirit ask for help, so we feel this does add credence to the information she was receiving. Filtered Version
Scream: This EVP was captured while a team was investigating the third floor of the Soap Factory. You will hear our members talking in the background and out of nowhere a screaming sound is heard. No one from this night of investigation heard a screaming sound at or around the time this was recorded. One team from Friday night's investigation did report hearing the sound of a scream while on the Main Floor, but was not able to catch anything on a voice recorder. TCPS does realize it could have been someone outside screaming, but due to the fact that none of the investigators heard it at the time, we feel this is a true EVP. Filtered Version
Whispers: This EVP was caught while a team was investigating the basement. The whispering caught on the recorder was not any of the members present at the time and TCPS can not make out the words that were being said. However, we decided to post this EVP due to the fact that the whispers were caught just moments before one of the members felt as though someone rushed him, or got right in his face even though the other two members were directly to the right of him. Filtered Version
"I'm dead": The EVP here was caught just a few seconds after the one listed above. In fact, the member who felt as though someone got in his face can still be heard on this clip talking about feeling 'rushed'. Moments after he says this, an odd voice can be heard which sounds like it is saying "I'm dead". The fact that this voice is so high, almost as though it was sped up by some type of audio program, is interesting to us. It is most definitely not a voice from either of the two females present at the time of the recording. Filtered Version
Deep sigh: This EVP was caught a minute or so after one of our investigators was touched while in the basement. You will hear another member from that group ask whoever touched Lisa to state their name, and soon after the question is asked, a deep sigh can be heard on the recorder. Although the sigh was not heard by our investigators at the time, immediately after the sigh, Lisa felt as though someone had just walked right in-between her and another member, which is why she is heard asking "did you feel that?". Filtered Version
Loud bang sound: The noise captured here was from a team investigating the boiler room in the basement. The banging noise is heard and directly afterwards, one of the members asks "Did you hear that?” Interestingly, this was not the sound that was heard by any of the members, as you will hear two of the investigators state they heard the sound of footsteps. No one from this group recalls hearing any type of banging sound, so where the noise came from is unknown.
"Oohh, I'm cold": Caught in the basement, this EVP sounds as though a young girl is saying "Oooh I'm cold". The voice on this EVP is not the voice of any of the females that were present in the basement at the time. Filtered Version
"Oh my god, I still don't know why": This EVP was captured on one of the digital voice recorders we had with a camera that was taping the old elevator shaft from the first floor. In the beginning of the clip you will hear one of our members say "yeah" and a few other words and then right after she stops talking, another voice is heard on the recording. To us the voice sounds female and as though she is in distress, saying "Oh my god, I still don't know why". This voice was not heard at the time of the recording and is not a voice of any of the females that were at the investigation. We find this EVP quite interesting as with most EVPs, we only capture a few words at a time. This EVP has eight words total. Filtered Version
"QUIET!": The EVP from here was also caught from the voice recorder by a camera taping the elevator shaft on the first floor. Both the camera and the voice recorder were running the entire time we were investigating this night. In this clip you will hear a few of our members talking in the background and laughing during our break time. All of a sudden in between the chatter is a distant sounding voice yelling "QUIET!” Interestingly enough, at the same time this voice is heard, only one person was inside the Soap Factory and he was jokingly telling the rest of our team (who was outside, with the main doors open) "oh yeah, go ahead and laugh at me", which the rest of the team were doing because of something the member inside had said. So as we're all laughing and being loud, an unaccounted for voice blatantly tells us all to be quiet. Filtered Version
"I take you in": This EVP was caught while one of our teams were investigating the basement. The voice sounds male, but is not the same voice as any of the males present at the time of the recording. The statement in the EVP had no correlation to what was being said at the time. Filtered Version
"It was you": The EVP listed here was captured on the third Floor of the Soap Factory. The voice from the EVP is somewhat similar to the voice on the EVP listed above, as it is a deep male voice. A member from another team on the same floor was asking a series of questions and this EVP could perhaps be in response to them, as the team that reordered this was not asking questions at the time. Filtered Version
“God help us”: Captured while investigating the living room area, this EVP is a loud whisper we found on one of our voice recorders. To us it sounds as though the voice is saying “God help us”. Filtered Version
Knocking 1: This was also caught while in the living room. You will hear one of our members say “I want to hear you knock on the wall”. Immediately after this you will hear two distinctive knocks. These knocking sounds were not heard by the investigators at the time they occurred, but were later found while reviewing the voice recorder evidence.
“That’s it”: This EVP was captured from a recorder left in the bathroom. The bathroom separates the kids’ rooms and we had one investigator in each room at the time. The voice sounds as though it is saying “that’s it”. Filtered Version
Knocking 2: As you will hear from the clip, these knocking sounds were audible to our investigators at the time they occurred. No explanation could be found for where the sounds came from.
Knocking 3: See above description
“Not me”: This EVP was also captured from a recorder left in the bathroom. You will hear one of our members ask if any spirits were there with them and directly after the question is asked a voice says “not me”. This voice was audible to our investigators as you will hear by the “huh?” after the voice says “not me”. The voice is neither of the two male investigators at the location and they were the only two males on site. Filtered Version
“Get out”: This EVP was captured while investigating the basement of the Palmer. Interestingly, this voice/whisper was caught soon after a few of the members from the team began to feel uneasy, as though they were being watched. Filtered Version
“Come back, come on, come on”: This is by far one of our favorite EVP’s we have ever caught. It was captured from a voice recorder in the front part of the Dining Room. To us it sounds like at least two kids playfully singing “Come back…come on, come on”. The muffled voice heard in between the singing is one of our members talking. Funny thing was, one of our investigators had just walked over to the counter area of the Dining Room and returned to the table just moments before this EVP was heard on the recording. Perhaps the kids wanted her to come back to where they were by the counter? Filtered Version
Voice: The EVP listed here was from Room 11. You will hear one of our members ask if any spirits there could use the EMF meter to answer yes or no questions. Right after that, a distortion or voice on the recording is heard. To us it sounds like “out…side” but we were not all in agreement on that. It is definitely a Class B EVP. Filtered Version
Bang: This loud bang was caught again while investigating in Room 11 and happened about 2 minutes after the one listed above. This banging sound was not heard by either of the members investigating the room at the time. We have no explanation for where the sound came from.
“Hmmm?”: Captured again in Room 11, this EVP occurred while the investigators were talking about an EMF meter sitting in one of the chairs within the room. The “hmmm?” voice sounds definitely female to us and sounds as though she was questioning the investigators’ conversation. Filtered Version
Growl: This growling sound was caught while in the Dining Room. Neither investigators present at the time heard this noise. Filtered Version
Whisper: The whisper on this recording was captured again in the Dining Room. It is very faint but on the filtered version it sounds as though the whisper is saying “wall” or “walk”. Filtered Version
“Palmer”: This EVP was caught while investigating Room 17. As you will hear on the clip, one of our members was telling his other team member that he could feel cold air on the right side of his body. Immediately after this investigator is done talking, you will hear a voice that sounds as though it is saying “Palmer”. We were not 100% unanimous with this as some other members thought it sounded like “bummer”. You decide! Filtered Version
“No body there…..Ten”: This EVP was captured on a voice recorder that was left in Room 11 while the investigators went next door to Room 10. No one was in the room at this time nor do the investigators who were in Room 10 recall hearing any one else come down the hallway. The EVP clip appears to have two different voices on it. The first voice sounds as though it is saying “no body there”, and shortly after another voice sounds like it is saying “ten”. We find the last voice interesting as that is where the members went to, Room 10. Filtered Version
“We are not”: This EVP was captured while investigating Room 11. The voice almost sounds like a deep whisper, like that of a man. To us it sounds as though it is saying “we are not”. Filtered Version
“We want out”: Also captured in Room 11, this EVP voice sounds quite similar to the one listed above. Filtered Version
“Don’t come back”: This EVP is from the Master Bedroom upstairs on the property. This is the first of several caught in this location. Filtered Version
Moan: This is probably one of the most interesting EVPs we’ve ever captured. Take from this one what you will.
“Come on…help me”: This recording actually has 2 EVPs within it, one is in the beginning and the other is at the end. To us the voices sound child-like. Filtered Version
“The end”: This recording was actually done once all of us had gathered back into the dining room after the investigation was complete. You will hear one of our members talking in the beginning and as soon as he stops you’ll hear this totally out of place voice that was not any of our male investigators. To us it sounds as though the EVP says “the end” but we could not ALL agree on it. Filtered Version
“Slow down”: Taken while in the basement, this EVP is quite faint, but you can still hear it if you listen well. To us it sounds like “slow down”. Filtered Version
“Never”: This one is also from the basement and it is interesting comparing the two EVPs from here. The loud whispers almost sound identical. Filtered Version
“No”: This whisper was captured in one of the rooms in the basement. A team member had just asked why it felt so negative in the room and this whisper was caught a few seconds later. Filtered Version
“She’s gone”: The EVP here was caught in a different room of the basement. A member had just asked for whoever was making the EMF meter flash to back away from it so the team would know a spirit was trying to communicate with them. A few seconds later on the recording, this EVP was heard. Filtered Version
“How are you…”: This EVP was caught in the Dining room of the Palmer right after the group entered the room and the investigator turned on her recorder. The voice sounds kind of raspy and was definitely not any of the members present at the time. Filtered Version
“Shawna”: The EVP on this clip is from the back section of the Dining Room. The voice sounds extremely close to the mic of the recorder. No one on the team noted hearing or seeing people outside of the Palmer at the time the EVP was caught. Also, there is no one on the team named Shawna. Throughout the clip you can hear the investigators talking and interestingly no one responds to hearing the name being called out.
“But we can hear you…and we know you want to”: This EVP is very interesting to us. The team present for this had been asking questions and right before this was caught on the recorder, the team had been laughing at something one of the members had said. The EVP seems out of place for any one on team to say at that time and is not any of the females present when it was caught on the DVR. Filtered Version
“No”: This EVP is from the Pub. The investigator had set her recorder on the counter at the bar and all three team members dispersed out to various section of the Pub. No one was remotely near the recorder when this whisper was captured. Filtered Version
“Water”: The EVP here was caught from a DVR left on a table by bathroom entrance in one of the hotel rooms on the second floor. The team was in the bedroom at this time. To us it sounds like a young child saying “Wa-ter” in an almost sing-song type voice. Filtered Version
Voices: This EVP was also captured in the same room as the one listed above and from the same recorder. To us it sounds as though part of a conversation was caught between two different people, one of whom sounds like a child. We could not agree on what is being said, but we do find it fascinating as the voices are definitely not that of any investigator present at the time and this team was the only ones on that side of the building on the second floor. Filtered Version
“Seventeen”: This EVP occurred right after a group of us were leaving the conference room and splitting up for the second round. Filtered Version
“Bitte”: Captured in Room 17 and believed to be in German. “Bitte” is the German word for “Please”. This EVP has been confirmed by historian who is fluent in German as well. This EVP is very exciting for us as it is our first EVP in a language other than English that we’ve captured. It should also be noted that Sauk Centre is notoriously known for being settled as a German Catholic town. Filtered Version
“Yessum”: This EVP was caught in the basement. It occurs right after one of the members stated what time it was. The voice almost sounds like it has a Southern accent and it was as though they were agreeing with the time stated moments before. Filtered Version
11-03-2007: Grand Old Mansion
Sigh 1: This particular voice recorder was down the hallway away from the team investigating the second floor. You can still hear the members in the background while they are investigating but it is interesting to note how far away their voices sound compared to the Sighs captured in this EVP and the one below. The sighs sound much closer to the recorder’s mic than what any members’ voice does and no one else was on the floor with them at that time.
Sigh 2: See above description
“Next to the window”: In the beginning of this clip, the voice you hear is from one of our members. Captured again with the same recorder as the Sighs, this voice sounds like that of a woman saying “next to the window”. To some of us it sounds as though there could be two voices on this EVP, but the second voice can not be discerned. Filtered Version
“Matt”: During this clip, the first part you will hear one of our investigators asking questions. Around 23 seconds into the recording you will hear a male voice say “Matt”, as well as the investigator's response to actually hearing the word “Matt” being spoken. Every member present in the attic where this EVP was caught heard this voice, but the voice does not match that of the only male investigator of the group. Very interesting to note as well that the EVP/audible answer does correlate to one of the last questions asked. Filtered Version
11-03-2007: Dodge Co. Historical Society & Museum
Humming: This EVP was captured while in the basement of the Dodge County Historical Society site. Two members were present at the time and did not recall hearing any sounds of a person humming. The voice you hear while the humming is going on is a member upstairs talking to the local historian. Around the time of the humming, it should be noted that the team was getting responses to questions on their K-II meter. To us, the humming sounds almost like a child. Filtered Version
11-02-2007: Mantorville Restoration House
Bang 1: This EVP was from the basement of the Restoration House where the jail used to be located. The old jail cells are still down there. On this clip, you will hear the team talking and in the middle of the clip is a loud banging sound, as though the cell door slammed. No one on the clip reacts to the noise and when asked later about it, the team stated they never heard this sound while investigating.
Bang 2: See above description
“Over here…”: On this sound clip, you will hear a whisper in-between the sounds of a clipboard on the wooden floor. The whisper sounds like “over here” or “over here now”. Interestingly enough, the team had just asked if any of the spirits present in the room with them wanted the investigators to move to a different part of the upstairs. This EVP was from one of the upstairs bedrooms of the Restoration House. Filtered Version
“Uhh”: This recording was captured while a team was investigating the “camera room” of the upstairs. This room was filled with a lot of old photographs of Mantorville and previous residents of the town, as well as an antique camera. You will hear one member ask if the camera in the room used to belong to any spirits at the location and shortly after the question, you can hear a faint “uhhh”. Filtered Version
11-02-2007: Mantorville Opera House
“Are those lights for me?": Captured while a team was on the stage of the Opera House, this EVP occurred just before the team left to go backstage. To some of us the voice sounds like it is saying “are those lights for me?” What lights it is referring to remains unknown. Filtered Version
“Peek-a-boo”: This EVP was caught just as a team came down the stairs to the basement of the Opera House. This was actually an audible sound to one of the investigators present at the time, as right after the EVP was caught on the voice recorder, the member stated she heard a voice coming from behind the stairs. She was unable to make out what the voice said at the time she heard it, though. Filtered Version
"Go away": This EVP was captured in one of the bedrooms upstairs in the area where the owner reported hearing sounds of someone being trapped in a closet. Filtered Version
"Help us": Captured while investigating the basement, this EVP also occurred while our investigators were asking any spirits present to turn off the light on the video camera. This phenomena happened three times. Filtered Version
Voice 1: On this recording, one of the teams was in the barn investigating and they were talking about how unsafe a few sections of the barn appeared. After the female member says "This is safer than that middle section", the male member of the team began to talk. It almost sounds as though he was counting something, and it seems as if another voice began talking around the same time. The two different voices makes it hard to understand what the EVP says, but we do feel there is some odd distortion on the recording. Filtered Version
Voice 2: This EVP was caught as a team was walking up to the house from the barn. We again are not for sure what is actually being said, but it almost sounds like the name, "Mrs. Bulge". Filtered Version
"You with us?": Captured while investigating in a second floor hotel room, this EVP occurred while the team's EMF meter started going a little haywire. The EMF had previously been setting on the bed with no indication of fluctuations when suddenly it would begin to go off and stop, then start again. The EVP was captured in-between as you will hear the EMF begin beeping at the end of this clip. Filtered Version
"I'm...coming": This EVP was caught about 30 seconds later in the same place as the one listed above, during the same conditions. Filtered Version
"I'm surprised": The EVP listed here was somewhat hard for us to understand what was being said. It was captured while Kelley, the owner of the Palmer House, was telling the other members of her team about the warmth feeling she had gotten a minute earlier during the investigation. Filtered Version
"Come": This EVP was captured in the same room as the above three, but by a different team. In the beginning of the clip, you will hear one of the investigators state "..doesn't mean we can't walk around", as she was telling any spirits present they were going to move to a different area of the second floor. Filtered Version
"Bill": While investigating the Dining Room on the main floor, one of our teams captured this EVP after asking any spirits present to tell them their name (as you will hear our investigator ask during the clip). Filtered Version
"I'm warm": Caught in the Dining Room, a member of this team had just stated she had goose bumps and had felt a cold spot when this EVP was captured on her DVR. Filtered Version
"No": Captured by the same team as the previous two listed EVPs, an investigator had just asked a spirit if they could move something in the room. According to this EVP, the spirit did not want to! Filtered Version
Voice: This EVP was caught while investigating the basement. The team had just stated that they were about to leave so if any spirits were there, they needed to say something now before the group went upstairs. A few seconds later our investigators heard a noise behind them. This EVP was recorded about five seconds after the unexplainable noise was heard. Filtered Version
Whisper: This EVP was captured by another one of our teams in the basement. It occurred, as you will hear, as the investigators were going up the stairs to the main floor. The whisper of the EVP is slightly hard to hear due to the footsteps on wooden steps. Because of this we are uncertain as to what is being said. Filtered Version
"Damian's interesting": This EVP was captured while two of our members were investigating the basement. Their recorders were placed in the pantry area at this time. On this clip, in the beginning, you will hear one of the investigators while she was talking to a cat who was in the room. In between her talking to the cat and the other member stating "OK guys, ten minutes is up", you will hear a whisper. We believe the whisper is that of a young girl and it sounds as though she says "Damian's interesting". One of our investigators present in the house was named Damian and at no time did either of the two members in the basement say his name. Filtered Version
"...interesting": This was caught at the same time as the previous listed EVP during the same conditions. However, the recorder that captured this was on the opposite side of the room. Oddly enough the recorder did not catch the one member talking to the cat, and on this EVP we can only make out "..interesting" from the whisper. Filtered Version
05-05-2007 - Villisca
"I think we're to be silent": This recording was done in the Children's Room upstairs. The EVP occurred after one of the Co-founders radioed the group telling them it was time for 10 minutes of silence. On this clip, you will hear the Co-founder stating which team members were in the attic, and the EVP follows closely thereafter. Those in the group which recorded this EVP do not remember saying or hearing this at all. Filtered Version
"I was bored": Captured again in the Children's Room after one of the investigators was touched. You will hear this member at the beginning of the clip ask "Was that you who touched my ankle?". A few seconds later a response can be heard to the question. It also sounds as though this same voice was talking at the same time as the investigator, but we were not able to separate the voices enough to tell what was being said. Filtered Version
"No": This EVP was caught while one team was in the Attic. You will hear one of the members ask if any spirits present wanted to sit on the bed. The answer came seconds later on the recording. It should be noted that this EVP was also captured while the group's EMF meter was lighting up "on command". Filtered Version
Laughter: The EVP was caught while two of our investigators were in the owner's bedroom. While one of our members was talking, some strange laughter can be heard in the background. Oddly enough, neither of the investigators in the room seem to react to the laughing and none of the other members present during the investigation remember laughing at this particular time.
"Robert": This EVP was also captured in the owner's bedroom. You will hear the recording become louder and a voice say what sounds like "Robert". One of the investigators present in the room is sensitive and it seems that she also picked up on the name "Robert" after it is heard on the recording.